Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, october 10. 2012

     Hi. My name is Miranda and I am a 28 year old mother of 4 that has fibromyalgia. My mom also has fibromyalgia and we are both supportive of each other and telling each other all the time any new information that we can learn. I still am trying to figure out why there could be such a ridiculous disease as fibromyalgia. The problem is that with the disease comes a lot of other conditions. I know that there are people whose fibromyalgia is worse than mine and others whom feel better than I do. With my fibromyalgia I also have chronic headaches/migraines, arthritis, IBS, depression, TMJD, and sciatic nerve compression.

       Today I have been in a lot of pain. The weather has been acting up with the humidity and everything which usually will cause me to have a bad flair day. I feel horrible because all I want to do is lie down on the couch and relax. Thankfully I have a really great husband that is very understanding and patient and helps me all of the time. Because of my beginning migraine I laid on the couch and my husband cooked dinner for the kids and helped me get them ready to go to his parents house so they can spend the night since we both work tomorrow. I only get o work two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and they are days that either my mother in law can babysit or my husband is off so we do not have to hire a baby sitter. I have tried working more than two days a week but every time I do I end up being in more pain and will end up missing more work so I only work the two days and am more likely to make it to work.

        I am going to sign off for today and try to rest and relax and hope that my pain subsides enough for me to be able to actually make it into the office tomorrow. See you again:)

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